We had over a few friends for dinner last night — and the topic of personal style came up. Maria mentioned that she is usually less apt to buy something when she has to buy a whole new outfit to support it (e.g. odd shoes). Then we talked about offbeat clothing and accessory choices. So naturally, my
infamous bird necklace came up in conversation. The girls were appalled and amazed that I'd worn the necklace to everything from work to Moeko's rehearsal dinner. Seeing in that the diners had not seen the piece in person, I ran back to my room and returned with the beautiful avian creation.
Megan and Julia immediately had an idea. They wanted to each wear the necklace to work — starting with Megan, then Julia next week. Maria, for some strange reason, did not volunteer to join in the fun. Dan interjected that he tried his best to not let me get the necklace... Anyway, we all brainstormed the kind of comments coworkers may have, or the kinds of looks they may send the necklace model's way.
Here's Megan, sporting the necklace for her commute.
Megan sent me updates throughout the day. Her colleagues were disappointingly (and surprisingly) quiet. So, Megan helped jump start some conversations:
Coworker/Friend David: (after lunch, walking back to their offices and passing another coworker in the hall) "Megan, who is that guy? I know he works with you... but what is his name?"
Megan: "Brad"
David: "Oh, the bird?" [Brad's nickname is "the Bird"]
Megan: "Yes, the bird. Speaking of bird's, what do you think of my necklace?"
David: "Yeah, my initial thought was, 'when did Megan become an art teacher?'"
And from Megan at the end of the day: "Though the day has not ended, this necklace has really grown on me!"
Megan also reported funny looks/stares throughout the day, but not the same over-the-top comments we were expecting.
Julia is sure her coworkers will be more vocal... stay tuned.